Asad Raza

30 Jun 2020

Interfacing JAX with QuTiP

As the month of June comes to an end, so does the first phase of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020. In my previous post, I attempted to cover the theory behind auto-differentiation, but did not fully explain how am I going to use autodiff for my GSoC project. Here, I am going to discuss just that. I will explain what problems did I face to make QuTiP work with JAX, the famed auto-differentitation library, and what route did I take to solve the problem.

The project started with a goal to fully interface JAX with QuTiP. By that, I mean the following. To be able to differentiate any QuTiP method that returns a scalar output – because JAX’s grad only auto differentiates methods that have a scalar return value. An example of this workflow would be the following:

from qutip import basis, fidelity 
from jax import grad

grad(fidelity)(basis(2, 0), basis(2, 1))

This is a very smooth workflow for the user who wants to take gradients of QuTiP functions. One case where the user would want to take gradients, of say the fidelity function I have used in the snippet above is when fidelity is used as a cost function in some (quantum) machine learning routine.

However this QuTiP-JAX integration is not that easy. The above snippet throws a Type Error

Qobj data =
 [0.]]' of type <class 'qutip.qobj.Qobj'> is not a valid JAX type

This is because JAX’s grad (by default) only works with functions that accept arrays, scalars, or standard Python containers, whereas fidelity in our example accepts Qobj (see docs) as input kets or density matrices (whose fidelity one wishes to calculate). One might try converting QuTiP’s Qobj, using the full method in QuTiP, to a standard numpy array before passing it into JAX’s grad. Something like:

# assuming the same imports as above
import jax.numpy as jnp

#Converting to JAX-aware numpy arrays
ket1 = jnp.asarray(basis(2,0).full()) 
ket2 jnp.asarray(basis(2,0).full())

grad(fidelity)(ket1, ket2)

This still would not work since grad(fidelity) returns the Callable that accepts exactly the same arguments as the original function. The original fidelity function in QuTiP does not accept numpy array; it accepts Qobj class object. Here’s the bottleneck: passing on a numpy array to grad shall be fine with JAX, but not with QuTiP; passing Qobj is fine with QuTiP but not with JAX.

When JAX was being developed as Autograd, autograd.extend was something that could have been of use in our case. In JAX, there does not seem to be any similar option available, or at least it is not well documented. There are some related issues, here and here, but I could not extract enough insights from these issues alone to be able to make QuTiP work seamlessly with JAX. I have a strong intuition that there is a way to make it work, perhaps by defining JAX primitives and/or custom vjps. But this exploration has already taxed me quite some time already. This project has a strict time-frame that pushes me to take an alternate route: Make a light version of QuTiP that is JAX-compatible. Now, how does that look like? This means re-writing all the basic QuTiP functions that our intended users may need to construct their Hamiltonians, take expectations, etc. For example, fidelity source code (which you don’t need to understand fully) in QuTiP looks like

def fidelity(A, B):
   Calculates the fidelity (pseudo-metric) between two density matrices.
   See: Nielsen & Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information"

   A : qobj
       Density matrix or state vector.
   B : qobj
       Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A.

   fid : float
       Fidelity pseudo-metric between A and B.

   if A.isket or A.isbra:
       # Take advantage of the fact that the density operator for A
       # is a projector to avoid a sqrtm call.
       sqrtmA = ket2dm(A)
       # Check whether we have to turn B into a density operator, too.
       if B.isket or B.isbra:
           B = ket2dm(B)
       if B.isket or B.isbra:
           return fidelity(B, A)
       sqrtmA = A.sqrtm()

   if sqrtmA.dims != B.dims:
       raise TypeError('Density matrices do not have same dimensions.')

   eig_vals = (sqrtmA * B * sqrtmA).eigenenergies()
   return float(np.real(np.sqrt(eig_vals[eig_vals > 0]).sum()))

while the fidelity function (for kets only) in qgrad.qutip looks like

def fidelity(a, b):
   Computes fidelity between two kets.
       a (`:obj:numpy.array`): State vector (ket)
       b (`:obj:numpy.array`): State vector (ket)
       float: fidelity between the two state vectors
   return jnp.abs(, b)) ** 2

Here we completely get rid of Qobj constraint, which by the way is a great feature in QuTiP but became a pain for qgrad interfacing. Other similar operators like the Paulis, displacement and squeeze operators, etc are added, so that one can now work with QuTiP functions and also differentiate them, where appropriate.

Future Work

Having a light version of QuTiP available through qgrad.qutip, we are ready to start applying it to exciting areas. I will now be working to make tutorials reconstructing this unitary learning paper and this cavity control paper. On the side, I shall be exploring ways to accomplish the ideal goal to fully interface JAX with QuTiP. In case that does not work, we would still have a version to let the users play with qgrad.

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